I hope you all had a great summer with your family and loved ones. I hope during this time you were able to enjoy some of the many bounties this time of the year provides. We have been hard at work in and out of the lodge this summer. Most recently we had another lodge cleanup where our Girl Scout troop assisted with weeding and clearing brush on our property. The ladies did a great job and we do appreciate their help. Only few small items to clean up before fall and winter are upon us, but we will be getting a head start to the spring.
If you have the opportunity to come by for our stated meetings we would love to see you all. We have the following items coming up in the immediate future:
- September 28th: EA Degree Jeremy Vecht
- October 16th: Lodge Bowling at Tigard Bowl 1PM – 3PM
- October 26th: Festive Board, $40 6PM Dinner and Fellowship
- October 30th: 2nd Annual Halloween Boofet 8AM – 1PM
Thank you all for continued support.
Mark Cook
Worshipful Master