Brothers, we’re off to a great start for the new year. The first meeting was a little long however, covered much needed information and upcoming dates.
The Grand Master MWB Mark Posler and his Grand Lodge Officers will be doing their official visit at our stated meeting in February. There will also be a ladies program put on by my wife Tina and my mother Corrine. Please confirm if you will be there for the dinner and ladies program so we can have a better accommodations.
We’ve scheduled an FC degree for 2/15 at 7pm, for Brother Todd Brogna. Please get a hold of Worshipful Brandt if you can help.
Also, Easter Breakfast will be here before you know it. Spread to word so we can have a great turn out. Be safe out there and we will see each other soon.
All the Best,
WB Dan Bush
Worshipful Master